Teaching assistant:
- Distributed systems (KU Leuven): 2015 - 2022
- Software design (KU Leuven): 2017 - 2018
- Object-oriented programming (KU Leuven): 2015 - 2018
PhD Supervisory Committee:
- Jannik Spiessens(ESAT/COSIC, 24-present)
Master thesis supervision:
- Hua Xu(Mathematics, 24-25): Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof Schemes
- Pritam Pak(Mathematics, 23-24): Computing on encrypted elliptic curves
- Robin Lefever(CS, 21-22): Joins over encrypted data
- Jesse Geens(CS, 21-22): A Middleware for secure and protected data aggregation
- Bo Kleynen(CS, 21-22): Secure Synchronization of Distributed Web clients
- Jonathan Du (CS, 20-21): Protecting primary keys of highly scalable databases in untrusted environments
- Pieter-Jan Vrielynck (CS, 20-21): A practical and scalable system for Decentralized Access Control
- Arno Van Langendonck (CS, 20-21): Auto-scaling of heterogeneous container deployments
- Jordy Dieltjes (CS, 19-20): Reducing cold start in elastic scaling of the containers in Kubernetes
- Stef Verreydt (CS, 18-19): Leveraging Kubernetes mechanisms for adaptive and cost- efficient resource management
- Matthijs Kaminski (CS, 17-18): Multi-tenant performance SLOs for container orchestrated batch workloads